Under Eventfrog AI, we summarise several features that use artificial intelligence (AI for short). The first function that is now available to you is the automatic creation of short descriptions for your events. In the future, we will offer you further functions, support you as an organiser and rely on AI.
With Eventfrog AI you save time and get an optimised short description for your event. This makes your event easier to find via Google and attractive for direct advertising bookings.
You can simply use Eventfrog AI when entering events.
Click on "Enter event" and then enter all the necessary details, such as event title, event image with source, address and event and event category.
Then add a detailed event description. You can find tips for an appealing event description in the blog: The event description for the sold-out event - here's how it works!
The description must be at least 200 characters long (including spaces) for Eventfrog AI and the "Generate short description" button to appear.
If you click on the button, a short description will be created automatically.
If the description does not meet your requirements, you can generate another one or customise it directly.
Yes, you can currently generate 20 short descriptions within 15 minutes. The limit applies to all events.
No, you can write the short description for your event yourself.
Eventfrog uses OpenAI for this feature.