FAQ advance payments

This FAQ should help you to better understand the "Advance payment" function and answer any questions you may have.


What is an advance payment?

Advance payments, also known as payments on account, are payments made in advance before a service has been provided. They often serve as part payments or security deposits. An advance payment provides event organisers with greater financial flexibility and planning security. Essential expenses can be covered before the event takes place without overly straining the event organiser’s financial resources.

How can I trigger an advance payment?

If you are organising your event in the Pro package, you can trigger an advance payment in the Cockpit by entering the desired amount and the execution date and then clicking on "Place order". After a successful entry, the payment will be initiated automatically.


What restrictions apply to the function?

A advance payment cannot be triggered if your bank account details are incomplete or the credit check was not successful.

The payment frequency cannot be adjusted if you have activated the "money-back guarantee".


What happens if my credit check is not successful?

If the automatic credit check is not successful, your instalment payment cannot be made. In this case, you will receive a corresponding error message and can contact our support team at support@eventfrog.net/+41 62 588 04 50 to discuss further steps.


Can I change the payout frequency at a later date?

Yes, you can adjust the payout frequency for your events in the cockpit as long as certain conditions are met. Please note the information and restrictions in the Cockpit.


How are an advance payments shown in the invoice?

The advance payments are listed for you on the final invoice. The date, payment reference and amount of the advance payment are listed there transparently.


Where can I find more information on the "Budget billing payments in the Cockpit" function?

You can find more information in the Eventfrog help section under "Finances" and the subcategory "Payments on account in the cockpit".


How do I get support if I have problems with an advance payment?

If you have technical problems or questions about using the instalment payment function, please contact our support team at support@eventfrog.net. We will be happy to answer your questions and help you solve any problems.