The Keller Theatre presents "The Lover" by Harold Pinter

The Keller Theatre presents "The Lover" by Harold Pinter Kleine Bühne Gießen, Bleichstraße 28, 35390 Gießen Tickets
Kleine Bühne Gießen, Gießen (DE)

A Play By Harold Pinter

“Is your lover coming today?” Richard asks his wife Sarah. The result is a psychosexual power play that contrasts bourgeois confinement with hidden fantasies. Harold Pinter's worldwide success “The Lover” plays through the keyboard of seduction, presenting the various faces of love and attraction, always on the verge of freezing back into the socially learned gesture.

You are all cordially invited to enjoy this timeless play on our stage

The event starts in
4 Days
0 h
50 min
19 s

Event organiser

The Keller Theatre Gießen


Tickets im Vorverkauf und an der Abendkasse

Go to presale

Total: XX.XX



Kleine Bühne Gießen, Bleichstraße 28, Gießen, DE