Am 14.11.2025 feiern AVALANCHE gemeinsam mit befreundeten Bands ihr 10-jähriges Jubiläum in der Weststadthalle in Essen.
Holt euch die begehrten Tickets im Vorverkauf und seid dabei!
Information buyers
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Sale ends on Friday, 14.11.2025 23:00
Early Bird
11.52 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 10.
Sold out
16.76 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 15.
Prices incl. taxes incl. transaction costs
Total: XX.XX €
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Total: XX.XX €
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Event organiser
AVALANCHE & Friends - 10 Years of Power, Pleasure & Pain is organised by:
Grubengold Booking