Krúbi // MÜNCHEN

Krúbi // MÜNCHEN Backstage, Reitknechtstraße, 6, 80639 München Tickets

Credits: K

Backstage, München (DE)
Krúbi elfoglalja Brü...ja nem, Münchent!

Event organiser

Event organiser of Krúbi // MÜNCHEN

Peter Zsifkovics


Sale ends on Sunday, 13.04.2025 22:00


41.12 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 39.99.

UTOLSÓ JEGYEK és a rendezvény napján (ha marad)!

46.25 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 45.

Early Bird

36.02 €
The price shown is the total amount to be paid (including taxes and service costs). Ticket price set by the organiser: € 35.

Sold out

Prices incl. taxes incl. transaction costs

Total: XX.XX
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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first

Total: XX.XX

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Please select tickets from a ticket category first
Please select tickets from a ticket category first



Backstage, Reitknechtstraße, 6, München, DE

Event organiser

Krúbi // MÜNCHEN is organised by:

Peter Zsifkovics