Tai Chi for beginners

Tai Chi for beginners Musikpavillon im Hofgarten, Reitallee 1, 40479 Düsseldorf Tickets
Musikpavillon im Hofgarten, Düsseldorf (DE)

Relax with Tai Chi for beginners

Experience a relaxing and energising Tai Chi class in the beautiful surroundings of Düsseldorf's Hofgarten. This class is ideal for beginners who want to learn the art of Tai Chi in a pleasant environment. Enjoy the gentle movements and flow of this nature-inspired practice as you improve your balance, flexibility and general well-being.


🧘‍♂️ What can you expect on the course?

  • Introduction to the traditional Tai Chi 108 form: We start with the basics and gently introduce you to the fascinating world of Tai Chi.

  • Relaxation and stress reduction: Immerse yourself in the meditative slowness of the movements and learn how Tai Chi helps you to let go of the stress of everyday life.

  • Strengthening body and mind: Learn how Tai Chi strengthens your self-love and helps you to go through life gently and strongly at the same time.


Here you can find a video of the Tai Chi beginner form:



📅 Registration and payment

The first date is a taster session, but feel free to come and try out any time. Simply book the appropriate ticket. The cost of a trial lesson is a one-off fee of €5.

Der Event beginnt in
6 Tage
6 Std
30 Min
9 Sek


Veranstalter:in von Tai Chi for beginners

Simone Pohlandt


Please register free of charge for the individual dates on Eventbrite. You can pay the course fee in cash on site.

Zum Vorverkauf

Total: XX.XX



Musikpavillon im Hofgarten, Reitallee 1, Düsseldorf, DE


Tai Chi for beginners wird organisiert durch:

Simone Pohlandt